Why are we so impatient about new web technology?

Look, I can use a web meme too! I R teh funnay!David Crotty from CSHL, who I’ve corresponded with before, has again published an obituary for Science Web 2.0. I think this is premature but typical of how the media cycle works, especially on the web where the youthful perspective predominates. I’ll get back to this, but permit me, on the occasion of Castro’s resignation, a brief philosophical detour.
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YourSci.com is pretty slick

Yoursci.com is a Science 2.0 project along the lines of OpenWetWare, but with a little tighter focus. They’ve got a section for contributing a project, and protocol section, and what I particularly like, a negative data section.

Content contribution and tool making kinda trade off one another, but all too often the cycle breaks not because the tool isn’t functional, but because it’s ugly. YourSci.com is pretty, looks functional, and it just so happens that I have some information they’re looking for.